Jay Seibert
Athletics Director
jseibert@sweenyisd.org (979) 491- 8148Laurie Delasandri
Secretary to the Athletic's Director
ldelesandri@sweenyisd.org (979) 491-8147Derek Cook
Athletic Trainer
dcook@sweenyisd.org (979) 491-8159Cheyanne Forshee
Girls Coordinator
cforshee@sweenyisd.org (979) 491-8147Bryan Agan
Junior High Boys Coordinator
bagan@sweenyisd.org (979) 491-8147
Ungelia Whiteside
Junior High Girls Coordinator
uwhiteside@sweenyisd.org (979) 491-8147WELCOME TO THE ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT!
Sweeny ISD is currently classified by the University Scholastic League (UIL) as a 4A school district. We compete against
other 4A school districts in the following sports.