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Safety and Security

Standard Response Protocol

Sweeny ISD utilizes a Standard Response Protocol (SRP). This SRP is being adopted by emergency managers, law enforcement agencies, school and district administrators and emergency medical services across the country. It is an enhancement to the current school safety plan and designed to provide consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff and first responders. We encourage you to review the Standard Response Protocol and pay particular attention to the following terms:

Emergency Drills

Sweeny Independent School District students and staff are instructed on emergency procedures so everyone can respond to an emergency without confusion or panic. All students and staff drill the emergency procedures several times each year. The following drills are conducted each school year:

  • 2 Fire Drills per semester
  • 1 Evacuate Drill per year
  • 1 Secure Drill per year
  • 1 Lockdown Drill per semester
  • 1 Shelter Drill per year
  • 1 Hold Drill per Semester


First page of the PDF file: SRP-K12-2021-Parent-Handout_EN
First page of the PDF file: SRP-K12-2021-Parent-Handout_SP

These terms, and the associated response, will be utilized throughout Sweeny ISD and will be included in parent communication as various scenarios arise. It is important that you, as parents, also understand the processes associated with the terms.

Additional Measures Taken

Please note that all preventative measures are not shared due to the sensitive nature of the information.

Please be assured that Sweeny ISD continues to take safety and security very seriously. We will continue to be vigilant for any opportunity to improve our policies and procedure. Thank you for your ongoing partnership with Sweeny ISD.


Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release. This process is called a Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat or if a crisis occurs at the school. The Standard Reunification Method is a protocol that makes this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved. Because a reunification is not a typical end of school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends. If this location is another school, then those students may be subject to a controlled release as well. 

Standard Reunification Method